Monday, July 11, 2011

Afternoon Activities

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. We have five local kids in our family group. Three girls and two boys. The boys seem to get along and two of the girls seem to be friends from before leaving one girl kinda of by herself. But it actually works out perfectly because her and LanLan get along great!

The kids came to our home around two and we began sharing about our families. We started and shared lots of pictures. Two of the kids forgot to bring stuff but the other three shared. One of the girls is a latin dancer.

We had snack after and then started to prepare for our Friday performance. We have decided to do a funny skit. There are differen names for it but I think the most popular is "The Doctor's Office". We went through it a few times and practiced the English lines.

When that was done we still had time so we played midnight madness. The kids had a lot of fun.

We felt we had too much time and we weren't prepared with enough things to do. Hopefully we will do better tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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